Let's Start Right Here
Have you ever thought, "I agree with... most of that, but my worldview is a little different. Should I change my way of thinking?" Did you once upon a time wonder, "When will I do something that makes a difference?" or maybe you pondered, "Do I have what it takes to transform the world?" Perhaps you are just trying to make it through the week, the day, or keep your head above water until lunch. Regardless of your present state of mind or aspirational trajectory, you are already impacting the world, and answers only come to those brave enough to ask.
When humans consider themselves intrinsically and individually, we often correlate limited value and diminutive span of influence to a party of one. Too often, only distinct groups and societal prominence evoke a sense of worthwhile identity and genuine agency. Nevertheless, in singularity, you have already altered the course of humankind. Thoughts, emotions, and expressions reverberate in the echo chamber that is your mind until they spill out into the universe. Only after compounding with enough energy to break free of your doubt, fear, and stoicism is the pressure release, but to what end?
Merriam-Webster defines ecology as "a branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environments." Despite the widely appreciated complexities of academic biology, the convergence between our natural world and humankind is far more complex than what we can see today, even with the most advanced tools and techniques. We have much to learn about the metaphysical and its point of intersection with both spirituality and neuroscience. We stand a the precipice of greatness, ready to study Tomorrow's Ecology as we prepare to do great things.
Elevate your worldview as you grow in wisdom. Leave the signature of your soul on your surroundings. Changing the world is just the beginning.